ND Votes

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​ND Votes is a nonpartisan campaign to promote voter education, registration, and mobilization. ND Votes fosters conscientious engagement in political and civic life among students.

Grounded in the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ call to political responsibility found in Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the initiative is led by a student task force. This body meets monthly and includes representatives of numerous political andsocial issues student groups. The Task Force has reached out campus-wide and has invited liaisons in each residence hall to join the effort to engage fellow students. 

To get involved please contact task force chairs at ndvotes@nd.edu.

Register to Vote




Voter Resources

ND Votes Voter Resource Guide 2024


Are you looking for a place where you can see all the candidates and decisions on your 2024 ballot? Explore your ballot and make informed choices with BallotReady! You'll be able to check your registration status, find out where to vote, compare candidates on important issues, and more. 

Go to BallotReady

Why Do You Vote?