CCHR Announces Writing Prizes

Author: Kevin Fye

The Center for Civil and Human Rights has announced the creation of three new writing prizes, designed to encourage scholarship around issues related to civil and human rights.

In an effort to reach as wide an audience as possible, CCHR has instituted three distinct categories of writing competitions. The Writing Prize for Outstanding Scholarship has an international scope, and is designed to encourage senior scholars to investigate relationships between International Human Rights Law and Catholic Social Teaching, one of CCHR's major research themes. Building scholarship around this relationship is one of the prime motivations behind the development of Convocate, the online research portal that allows simultaneous investigation of both bodies of thought. In addition to being published on Convocate, the winner will be invited to publish their paper in Notre Dame's Journal of International and Comparative Law. The competition carries a $1,000 prize.

Along with the Outstanding Scholaship prize, CCHR has also announced the creation of two writing prizes specifically focused on student research at Notre Dame. Both the Undergraduate Writing Prize and Graduate Student Writing Prize are aimed at recognizing excellence in civil- and human rights-focused research by Notre Dame students. The competitions each carry a $250 prize.

Fostering new scholarship around these pressing issues is at the core of CCHR's mission, says director Jennifer Mason McAward. "The Center for Civil and Human Rights was founded to support the next generation of civil and human rights scholars and to promote engaged, creative thinking on these critical issues," McAward says. "This new initiative will further those goals."

More information on each competition, including submission requirements and deadlines, can be found here.