2014 Internships Announced

Author: Kevin Fye


The Center for Civil and Human Rights and Program on Law and Human Development have announced their internships for 2014.

CCHR’s LL.M. postgraduate professional internships offer human rights lawyers valuable on-the-ground experience and training with a wide range of human rights institutions and non-governmental organizations. 2014 internships include Juan Pablo Aleman Izaguirre, the “2014-2015 Notre Dame Fellow” at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Washington, DC. Rodrigo Da Costa Sales was selected in a competitive process for the 2014-15 Clerkship with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in San José, Costa Rica. This joint CCHR-Court one-year clerkship is part of a special relationship between the two entities (read more here). Dillorom Abdulloeva will work with the U.S Commission on International Religious Freedom in Washington, DC, and Xin He with a member of the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights.

Maria Chiara Massetti has received an internship with the United Nations Assistance to Khmer Rouge Trials to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Caroline Wambui will travel to The Hague, Netherlands, to work with the Hague Institute for Global Justice. Federica Dalla Pria will serve with the Alliance Defending Freedom in Washington, DC, while Gerel Dondovdorj will be based in New York at the International Disability Alliance.

Sarah Frost has accepted an internship with the International Justice Resource Center in San Francisco, California. Violet Aretha Dzingirai will work with the Southern African Litigation Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa; Andrea Guadarrama Prado with the Instituto Iberoamericano de la Haya, Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, Colombia; Saramba Kandeh with The Advocates for Human Rights in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Elham Kazemi with Global Rights: Partners for Justice.

Internship experience is an integral part of the Notre Dame LL.M. experience. In addition to recurring positions with CCHR partner organizations, opportunities are available for students to design their own postgraduate projects. Each October CCHR solicits proposals from students who want to continue their education beyond graduation. Working with LL.M. Director Sean O’Brien, these internships are developed to serve the students’ individual interests and professional goals. CCHR provides support for most students who obtain an internship.

Profiles of our graduating LL.M. students may be found here.

The Program on Law and Human Development has also awarded two summer internships to Notre Dame Law School J.D. students. Rachael Winkler will work with AVSI in Kampala, Uganda, helping to document child protection efforts among rural and peri-urban populations. Sienna White will focus on human development issues in affiliation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London.